Author name: Tanya Taylor

Family and Medical Leave Act California: How Does It Work?

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and its California counterpart, the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), are crucial pieces of legislation that offer unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible employees facing medical or family situations. This article dives deep into how FMLA works in California, addressing employees’ common questions and concerns. What is the Family and Medical […]

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California Paternity Leave Laws [2024 Updated]

California is renowned for its progressive policies, especially regarding supporting new parents. With the latest updates to the California paternity leave laws, it’s essential to understand your rights and benefits as an employee. Whether you’re asking, “how long is paternity leave in California?” or “how much paternity leave in California am I entitled to?” this

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California Religious Discrimination Lawyer – Protecting Your Rights in Los Angeles

Religious discrimination in the workplace is an unfortunate reality for many individuals. If you are facing such issues, seeking help from a California Religious Discrimination Lawyer (Los Angeles) can be crucial to protecting your rights and ensuring justice. Whether in Downtown Los Angeles, West Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley, South Bay, or East Los

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How the Family Medical Leave Act Impact California Workers?

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that provides eligible employees with unpaid, job-protected leave for qualified medical and family reasons. However, California has its own set of leave regulations, which frequently give workers greater rights and advantages than the FMLA does. This article explores how the FMLA impacts California workers, highlighting

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What Is an Independent Contractor in California?

Understanding the distinction between an employee and an independent contractor is crucial in California, impacting taxes, benefits, and legal obligations for both workers and businesses. This article dives deep into the world of independent contractors in California, exploring the definition, key factors for classification, and the legal landscape. Employees vs. Independent Contractors The core difference

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How Can I Identify Age Discrimination in The California Workplace?

In workplaces nationwide­, age discrimination continues to be a challe­nge. Older employe­es sometimes e­ncounter unjust stereotype­s, questions about their abilities, and cle­ar bias that curbs their chances and caree­r growth. As a Californian worker, understanding your rights and identifying pote­ntial situations of age discrimination is essential. Which State and Federal Laws Protect Employees from Age

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Sexual Harassment at Work? When to Get a Lawyer in California

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that can have lasting emotional and professional repercussions. If you’ve experienced any form of sexual harassment, you may be unsure when the right time is to seek the help of a sexual harassment attorney. Understanding what constitutes sexual harassment, your rights, and when to contact an attorney

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The Ralph Civil Rights Act in California Your Rights at Work and Beyond

The Ralph Civil Rights Act of 1976 stands as a cornerstone of California’s legal framework protecting individuals from violence and intimidation motivated by hate. This act, codified in California Civil Code Section 51.7, guarantees the right to be free from such threats based on a wide range of personal characteristics. Understanding the Ralph Act’s provisions,

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